Download Your Quickfires Sample
See what our innovation training is made of!
Quickfires courses are developed by SVI, a talent development company that’s passionate about creating irresistible companies and extraordinary people. You can be confident knowing that our expertise in leadership training is second to none.
© 2016 SVI, LLC. All rights reserved.


Business Acumen


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If the sample just won't do, call us at 888-579-8635 to get a complete copy of our innovation training course for your review.

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What's our take on innovation training?

Are your people bringing innovation at the level you need it for your business to stay relevant and successful? Innovative thinking is critical but it's messy and it doesn't just happen. You need to set the stage for its onset which means setting your people up for success. Luckily, there's a method behind the madness.

The Quickfires Innovation training provides your managers with a tangible and actionable methodology for thinking and acting innovatively. This course helps them navigate the messiness of innovation, know where to look in order to spark ideas, and work through skepticism and resistance - all the while helping to propel your business forward.

Innovation Prep Guide Innovation Presentation Innovation Workbook


Forgive our proud parent moment, but...

As the beauty pics below show, the Quickfires Innovation course isn't just a great course, it's also a great looking course - guaranteed to keep your participants engaged and interested!

Questions? Call us!

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